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Q: Which condition would you expect a coarse grained intrusive rock like diorite to form?
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What do Granite and diorite have in common?

Granite and diorite are both igneous rocks composed mainly of quartz, feldspar, and mica minerals. They are commonly found in mountain ranges and are used as building materials due to their durability and strength. Both rocks are formed through the cooling and solidification of molten magma deep within the Earth's crust.

Coarse grained diorite is most similar in mineral composition to fine grained?

granodiorite, as both rocks are primarily composed of plagioclase feldspar, quartz, and biotite. However, coarse grained diorite will have larger crystal sizes compared to the fine grained counterpart.

Under what condition below would you expect a coarse-grained intrusive rock like diorite to form?

Diorite typically forms under conditions of slow cooling and crystallization deep within the Earth's crust. This rock type is commonly found in the roots of mountain chains or in the cores of large igneous intrusions.

What condition under below would you expect a coarse-grained intrusive rock like diorite to form?

Slow cooling in the upper mantle

Under what condition below would you expect a coarse grained intrusive rock like diorite to form?

Slow cooling in the upper mantle

Is diorite a coarse grained rock?

Yes, diorite is a coarse-grained igneous rock that typically contains a mixture of light and dark minerals. It forms from the slow cooling of magma deep within the Earth's crust, resulting in visible crystals that are larger than those in fine-grained rocks.

What is the texture of an intrusive rock?

It is a coarse grained rock if its intrusive.

What is the texture of intrusive rock?

It is a coarse grained rock if its intrusive.

Under what condition would you expect a coarse-grained intrusive rock like diorite to form?

lava slowly flowing out of a Quick cooling on Earth's surface. apex

Does intrusive rock cool fast or slow from magma?

Intrusive rock cools slowly from magma underground, allowing large mineral crystals to form. This slow cooling process is why intrusive rocks, such as granite and diorite, have a coarse-grained texture.

What type of rock is hornblende diorite?

Hornblende diorite is a type of intrusive igneous rock. It is composed primarily of plagioclase feldspar, hornblende, and small amounts of other minerals. It has a medium to coarse-grained texture and is typically gray or greenish in color.

What is a coarse-grained rock composed of intermediate plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene?

The rock you are referring to is likely gabbro, which is a coarse-grained igneous rock composed mainly of intermediate plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene minerals. Gabbro forms from the slow cooling of molten magma deep within the Earth's crust, resulting in its coarse texture.