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When standard atmospheric conditions exist.

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Q: Which condition will pressure altitude be equal to true altitude?
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True or false the higher the altitude the lower the air pressure?


Is it true air pressure increases as altitude increases?


Is it true that air pressure increases as altitude increases?

No, in general the opposite is true.

When altitude is the condition of Earth's atmosphere at a popular time and place true or false?


What condition will true altitude be lower than indicated altitude?

high temperatures

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How do variations in temperature affect the altimeter?

Pressure levels are raised on warm days and the indicated altitude is lower than true altitude.

Is it true that atmospheric pressure decreases with increased altitude?

Yes, it is true that atmospheric pressure decreases with increased altitude. This is because there is less air above pushing down on the air below as you go higher in the atmosphere. This is why it becomes harder to breathe at high altitudes due to the lower pressure.

What Is true pressure?

True Vapor Pressure is the pressure of the vapor in equilibrium with the liquid at 100 F (it is equal to the bubble point pressure at 100 F).

What is True airspeed indicator?

It's an airspeed indicator that compensates for outside temperature and barometric pressure at altitude.

What is the laboratory air pressure in ATM?

The air pressure changes based on altitude, but at sea level, it is 1 atm, or 760mmHg, or 760Torr.

What is crude oil true vapor pressure?

True Vapor Pressure is the pressure of the vapor in equilibrium with the liquid at 100 F (it is equal to the bubble point pressure at 100 F)