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High wind shear

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El Niño is believed to create wind shear in the Atlantic Ocean, which tends to weaken hurricanes by disrupting their structure and organization. This wind shear can prevent hurricanes from intensifying or maintaining their strength as they move through the Atlantic.

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Q: Which condition is believed to be caused by el nino and effectively weakens hurricanes in the Atlantic ocean?
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Who discovered the biggest island in the Atlantic Ocean?

The biggest island in the Atlantic Ocean is Greenland. It was likely discovered by Norse explorer Erik the Red in the 10th century, though it is believed that the island had previously been visited by other peoples.

How many hurricanes came and names from 1945-2007?

There were numerous hurricanes during that time period, so it's difficult to provide an exact number. However, some notable hurricanes during 1945-2007 include Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Andrew, and Hurricane Ivan. These hurricanes caused significant damage and had lasting impacts on the areas they affected.

What is a chronic systemic disease that is believed to be an autominnune condition affecting the connective tissue of the body?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic systemic disease that is believed to be an autoimmune condition affecting the connective tissue of the body. It primarily affects the joints, causing inflammation, pain, and stiffness. Over time, it can lead to joint damage and deformity.

Do hurricanes and tornadoes have something in common?

Yes.Hurricanes and tornadoes are both natural disasters that produce powerful, destructive winds that spiral cyclonically inwards via low pressure (clockwise in the southern hemisphere, counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere).Hurricanes have a calm, clear eye at the center of rotation and it is believed that many tornadoes have a similar feature.Both have scales for rating intensity:Tornadoes are rated on the Fujita scale from F0 to F5 based on damage, some countries, including the United States have upgraded to the Enhanced Fujita scale (EF0 to EF5).Hurricanes are rated on the Saffir-Simpson scale from Category 1 to Category 5.

Does Strait of Anian exist?

There is no Strait of Anian. It was a hypothetical strait that was believed to exist in North America in earlier maps as a potential passage between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. However, it was later determined that no such strait exists.

Related questions

What conditions are believed to be caused by el nino and effectively weakens hurricane in the atlantic ocean?

It is believed that El Niño produces wind shear, which is a change in the speed and/or direction of the wind with altitude.

What people believed hurricanes were created by a storm God?

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How did people think hurricanes formed in the past?

Hurricanes were believed to be the wrath of one god or another, depending on the culture. Some believed they were the breath of angry god of wind.

What kind of herricane has a posibility of landfallraeching?

The kind of hurricanes that have the possibility of landfall reaching are known as Category 5 Hurricanes. These types of hurricanes are believed to be relatively rare.

What tribe believed hurricanes were created by a storm god?

Indian tribes in Guatemala

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Where does the Atlantic ocean start?

I believed it started from Guyana, South America. There is a beach there referred as the No. 63 Beach. The Atlantic Ocean begins from that beach.

Can hurricanes damage 10000 houses?

Yes, quite easily. Hurricane Sandy, for example, is believed to have destroyed over 250,000 homes.

How does a hurricane cause the climate to change?

Hurricanes can have localized impacts on weather patterns and temperatures in the short term but generally do not cause long-term climate change. However, changes in frequency or intensity of hurricanes due to a warming climate can have long-term impacts on climate patterns.

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Lamprey eels come from the Atlantic Ocean. They can now be found in the Great Lakes believed to have found their way there through shipping canals.

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