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any chemical that could only be made by living things.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Early chemists classified organic compounds as those that were derived from living organisms, such as plants and animals. They believed that organic compounds could only be synthesized by living organisms and could not be produced in the laboratory through inorganic processes. This definition was later expanded with the development of organic chemistry to include compounds based on carbon, regardless of their origin.

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Q: Which compounds were classified as organic compounds according to th early chemists?
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Are organic compounds the first carbon compounds that scientists studied?

Yes, organic compounds were among the first carbon compounds studied by scientists. Early chemists discovered that these compounds were mostly derived from living organisms, which led to the name "organic." Organic chemistry focuses on the properties and reactions of carbon-based compounds.

Are alkanes organic?

Yes, alkanes are organic compounds because they consist of carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded together. They are classified as hydrocarbons and are among the simplest organic compounds.

What is organic chemistrey?

Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that focuses on the study of carbon compounds, which are found in all living organisms. Organic chemists study the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds to understand their behavior and use in various applications such as medicine, materials science, and agriculture.

Why are carbon compounds classified as organic compounds?

Carbon compounds are classified as organic compounds because they primarily contain carbon atoms bonded with other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus. These compounds are typically associated with living organisms and their processes, hence the term "organic." Inorganic compounds, on the other hand, are generally simpler compounds that do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds.

The experiments of WΓΆhler, Kolbe, Miller, and other chemists invalidated the concept of vitalism by demonstrating that?

they could synthesize organic compounds from inorganic substances. This showed that organic compounds could be created without the need for a vital force or "life force" as proposed by vitalism.

Related questions

All compounds can be classified as?

Compounds can be classified as either organic or inorganic based on the presence of carbon atoms. Organic compounds contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, while inorganic compounds do not.

What are nitrates classified as?

The ion nitrate is a component of inorganic compounds but also of organic compounds.

Explain why most carbon compounds are classified as organic compounds?

Organic compounds are compounds necessary to life, and most macromolecules necessary to life contain carbon.

What are organic compounds with double or triple bonds classified as?

Organic compounds with double bonds are classified as alkenes, while those with triple bonds are classified as alkynes. These bonds make the compounds more reactive and versatile in terms of chemical reactions.

What is group of chemical compounds that all contain carbon are classified as what?

Organic chemical compounds

How is alchohol classified?

Alcohols are organic compounds with the functional group -OH.

Are organic compounds the first carbon compounds that scientists studied?

Yes, organic compounds were among the first carbon compounds studied by scientists. Early chemists discovered that these compounds were mostly derived from living organisms, which led to the name "organic." Organic chemistry focuses on the properties and reactions of carbon-based compounds.

What are compounds classified?

Compounds are classified based on their chemical composition, structure, and properties. They can be categorized as organic or inorganic compounds, based on the presence of carbon atoms. Compounds can also be classified as acids, bases, salts, or oxides based on their chemical properties.

Why are compounds of carbonate and bicarbonate not classified as organic compounds?

because they dont have carbon-hydrogen sigma bond in them.

Are alkanes organic?

Yes, alkanes are organic compounds because they consist of carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded together. They are classified as hydrocarbons and are among the simplest organic compounds.

How did the synthesis of urea change the definition of an organic compound?

until the discovery of urea, in 1828, by Friedrich Wohler, chemists divided compounds that were producible and compounds that were only made by organisms. the compounds that were made by organisms were known as organic compounds. urea, being a reaction that happens in your liver, was a organic compound. by accident, Friedrich had synthesized an organic compound.

What is organic chemistrey?

Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that focuses on the study of carbon compounds, which are found in all living organisms. Organic chemists study the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds to understand their behavior and use in various applications such as medicine, materials science, and agriculture.