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Q: Which common rock-forming silicate mineral that exists as large crystals with quartz and feldspars in pegmatites is used as an insulator in electrical equipment?
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What minerals do you see in the pegmatite from transmountain road?

Common minerals found in pegmatites from Transmountain Road may include quartz, feldspar (such as albite or orthoclase), mica (like muscovite or biotite), and tourmaline. Additionally, minerals like beryl and tantalite can also be present in pegmatites in this region.

What physical properties distinguish plagioclase feldspars from othoclase feldspars?

Plagioclase feldspars have a higher calcium content compared to orthoclase feldspars, as well as a different crystal structure. In terms of appearance, plagioclase feldspars often exhibit striations and twinning, which are less common in orthoclase feldspars.

What physical properties distinguish plagioclase feldspars from orthoclase feldspars?

One physical property that distinguishes plagioclase feldspars from orthoclase feldspars is their cleavage. Plagioclase feldspars typically exhibit good cleavage in two directions at right angles, while orthoclase feldspars show perfect cleavage in one direction. Another distinguishing feature is their color. Plagioclase feldspars are usually white to gray, while orthoclase feldspars can be white, pink, or other colors.

What is feldspars' hardeness?

Feldspars generally have a hardness of 6 on Mohs' hardness scale.

What are the 2 most common silicate minerals in Earth's crust?

feldspars. feldspars.

What is the feldspars streak?


Are feldspars and hematite examples of native elements?

No, feldspars and hematite are not examples of native elements. Native elements are minerals that are composed of a single element in its pure form, such as gold or silver. Feldspars are a group of minerals containing aluminum, silicon, and oxygen, while hematite is an iron oxide mineral.

How does iron - magnesium and feldspars crystallize from magma?

Feldspars are the first to crystallize at the eutectic point after which the temperature drops, thus crystallizing the iron - magnesium.

What are the two most common silicate minerals in earths crust?

Quartz and feldspars are the most common silicate minerals of the crust.

Minerals containing silicon?

Quartz, feldspars, mica.

The first feldspars to form are rich in what element?


What is pumice composition?

quartz, plagioclase and alkali feldspars