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The smallest drop of an electron between two energy states in an atom flips out a photon

of radio with a frequency of about 1,420 MHz (wavelength = about 21 centimeters).

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The smallest energy drop of an electron produces red light. When an electron transitions to its lowest energy level, it emits a photon with the least energy, corresponding to the red wavelength of light.

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Q: Which color of light does the smallest energy drop of an electron produce?
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electron gun just fires electrons with certain energy so that when the electrons strikes on the pixels of the screen then they glow up with certain color... this color is defined according to the energy of electron..i.e electrons with high energy will lit up blue &with low energy lit up red color. energy=frequency*plank's constant(n)...

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Will an electron excite if it is given energy that will allow it to exist in between two energy levels? No An electron can only exist in specific energy levels. Giving an electron more energy can make it escape from the attraction of the protons completely and the atom now has 1 less electron and is a +1 ion. Have you seen an electron discharge tube? If I turn up the power, the tube will become brighter, but the color will not change. The color of light is the product of the electron returning from the excited state to its ground state. Will an electron excite if it is given energy that will allow it to exist in between two energy levels? No An electron can only exist in specific energy levels. Giving an electron more energy can make it escape from the attraction of the protons completely and the atom now has 1 less electron and is a +1 ion. Have you seen an electron discharge tube? If I turn up the power, the tube will become brighter, but the color will not change. The color of light is the product of the electron returning from the excited state to its ground state.

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Why does an electron produce colors when exerting energy?

When an electron absorbs energy, it jumps to a higher energy level within an atom. When it returns to its original energy level, it releases that energy in the form of light. The color produced depends on the specific amount of energy released, which corresponds to a specific wavelength of light.

When a photon is emmit out from the atom its color is same as the atom color?

No. The color of the electron depends on the energy difference between the levels from/to which it is changing.

The color of light emitted by an atom is most closely related to?

The color of light emitted by an atom is most closely related to the energy difference between the atomic energy levels involved in the transition. Each element has specific energy levels that determine the color of light it emits when an electron transitions between them. This relationship follows the principles of quantum mechanics.

According to the Bohr model what determines the color of light emitted when an electron moves from one energy level to another?

The color of light emitted when an electron moves from one energy level to another in the Bohr model is determined by the difference in energy between the two levels. This energy difference corresponds to a specific wavelength or color of light according to the relationship given by the equation E=hf, where E is energy, h is Planck's constant, and f is the frequency of the light.

What element that have one electron in the outer shell and produce a faint purple color when excited?

The element you are referring to is potassium. It has one electron in its outer shell and produces a faint purple color when excited.

What is the difference in electron movement when you observe a red color of light and a blue color of light?

When observing red light, electrons in the material will absorb energy only in the red wavelength range and get excited to higher energy levels. With blue light, electrons absorb energy in the blue wavelength range and experience a different excitation. This difference in absorbed energy results in distinctive electron movements and interactions with the material, leading to different light absorption and reflection properties.

What has to happen before you can move to a new energy level in the electron cloud?

An electron must absorb or release a specific amount of energy, typically in the form of a photon, to move to a new energy level in the electron cloud. This process is known as electron excitation or de-excitation.

How did Bohr explain the line spectrum of hydrogen?

The difference in energy between the energy levels determines color of light emitted when an electron moves from one energy level to another.

What color should a room be painted to save energy?

Try light color that let in light so that your bulb wont have to produce as much energy to light up a room.