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Heather Tremblay

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

UCU, UCC, UCA, UCG, AGU and AGC code for serine.

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Maya Edmonson

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βˆ™ 3y ago

agu - apex

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Q: Which code is the codon for the amino acid ser?
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Which codon is the code for the amino acid serine (Ser)?


What would be the first three amino acids in the protein formed from this gene uagcgagg?

Each amino acid is coded for by a 3-base sequence known as a codon. Therefore you would need 9 bases to code for 3 amino acids.The sequence UAG-CGA-GG would not add three amino acids to a protein.For the sequence UAG-CGA-GG:UAG is a STOP codon - translation would cease at this point and no further amino acids would be added.CGA codes for Arginine.GG does not code for an amino acid - it would need one more base to be a codon. GGU, GGA, GGG and GGC all code for Glycine.

What is the amino acid sequence of the DNA strand 3'-taccctttagtagccact-5'?

To determine the amino acid sequence from a DNA sequence, you need to first transcribe the DNA into mRNA. Here, the mRNA sequence is 5'-AUGGGAUUUCAUCGGUGA-3'. Then you can use the genetic code to translate the mRNA into amino acids: the sequence translates to METHIONINE (Met) - GLY - PHE - HIS - ARG - STOP.

What is a codon chart?

A codon chart is a table that shows the correspondence between codons (sequences of three nucleotides in mRNA) and the amino acids they encode during protein synthesis. By using a codon chart, one can determine which amino acid is specified by a particular codon.

What is the amino acid for GCG?

Serine (Ser) amino acid. --> This is response to the above answer. The question is for the anticodon, but the genetic code table is for CODONS. As you know codons and anticodons bind antiparallel to each other. So, the codon for anticodon AGU = ACU. The first base of the anticodon base paris to the 3rd base of the codon (i.e., wobble base). Therefore with this information the anticodon AGU codes for Threonine. I have a graduate degree in Molecular biology.

What mRNA base sequence would produce the amino acid chain His-Ser-Arg?

The mRNA sequence that would produce the amino acid chain His-Ser-Arg would be 5'-CAU AGU CGU-3'. This sequence codes for the amino acids Histidine (His), Serine (Ser), and Arginine (Arg) through the genetic code.

Which amino acid is phosphorylated in bacterial proteins?

his, asp,ser,thr

What is the resulting amino acid sequence from cgagaaguc?

The resulting amino acid sequence from the RNA sequence cgagaaguc would be arginine-lysine-serine.

Use the mRNA sequence aug-gga-aau-cgg-uca to determine the resulting amino acid sequence?

The mRNA sequence AUG-GGA-AAU-CGG-UCA translates to the amino acid sequence Methionine-Glycine-Asparagine-Arginine-Serine. This is determined by looking up each three-nucleotide codon in the genetic code to find the corresponding amino acid.

What amino acids comes from the codons ACUGCA please help?

None. If an RNA sequence does not begin with a start codon (AUG) it will not be translated and no amino acid chain will be formed. That said, acu = Thr, cca = Pro, and ucg = Ser. But rather than just give you a fish to feed you for a day, let me teach you to fish so you can eat for years: type "genetic code wheel" into google. You'll find lots of images of a genetic code wheel were you can just read the genetic code out from the middle of the wheel and get the translations for yourself.

What is the portion of the protein molecule coded for by the pieces of mRNA?

The portion of the protein molecule that is coded for by mRNA is the sequence of amino acids. Each set of three nucleotides in the mRNA, called a codon, corresponds to a specific amino acid in the protein sequence. This process of translating mRNA into a protein is carried out by ribosomes during protein synthesis.

Amino acid sequence for ctg ggc tta aag cgc?

The amino acid sequence for the codons ctg ggc tta aag cgc is Leu-Gly-Leu-Lys-Arg. Each codon represents a specific amino acid, and when read in the correct order, they determine the sequence of amino acids in a protein.