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Q: Which climatic zone is spitsbergen in?
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The main climatic zone Greenland is in is the arctic to subarctic zone.

Which climatic zone India has?

India is in the Desert Climatic zone.

Is Polar climatic zones found in Africa?

No, The Polar climatic zone is not found in Africa. You have the rain forest, savannah, tropical, and sahel there are several climatic zone.

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tropical zone

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Temperate zone

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Ghana is in a tropical climate zone.

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North polar zone

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Ghana is in a tropical climate zone.

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Jamaica is located in the tropical zone

What climatic zone is Pampas Argentina?

that climate

Are there any landmarks in the arctic tundra?

Yes, "tundra" is a climatic zone not a landscape, the same range of landforms occurs as in any other climatic zone.

What climatic zone is mount Everest in?

really cold