If no children were born in a given year, the population would only decrease due to deaths. The amount of the decrease would be the number of people who die that year.
Population sizes decrease at higher trophic levels. If they increased the insects population would decrease meaning there would be less food available for the birds so their population size would then decrease. Look at the relationships between predator and prey species for more information
A hypothesis could be: "A decrease in the ozone layer leads to increased ultraviolet radiation exposure in Antarctica, which negatively impacts the food sources of penguins, ultimately reducing their population size."
there would be less nutrients for the plant.
Some organisms population would decrease
A decrease in the birth rate will cause a decrease in population over time.
decrease the number of hawks
More predators so the population would decrease :(
go into war. that way the world population would decrease
The population of zoo plankton would decrease.
it would decrease population
A population of an animal would decrease because of animal testing. 3/5 people agree.
Which would most likely decrease the genetic variation in the human population?
If the human population was reduced to a very small number of interbreeding individual then this small population, denied outbreeding, would have very little genetic variation. Humans, who went through a bottleneck event about 70,000 years ago, are considered a " small " species because they have little genetic variation in comparison to many other species. Google cheetah to see how this concept works.
The grasshopper population.
The grasshopper population.
If no children were born in a given year, the population would only decrease due to deaths. The amount of the decrease would be the number of people who die that year.