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Q: Which cells contain this organelle plant cell animal cell or both?
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Which cells contain the mitochondria organelle plant cells animal cells or both?

It is in both plant and animal cells. It is needed for aerobic respiration

What organelles do both plant and animal cells have?

Answerribosomes, cell membrane, mitochondria, cytoplasm Backup Answer if you don't believe meBoth plant cells and animal cells contain ribosomes, cell membranes, mitochondria, and cytoplasm. Cell walls and chloroplasts are found in plant cells only.----------------------------------------------------------------

What organelle not in animals may contain chloroplasts?

Plant cells contain chloroplasts, which are membrane-bound organelles that carry out photosynthesis. This organelle is not found in animal cells.

Which organelle is found in plant cell but not animal cells?

Chlorophyll is the only organelle that exists in plant cells and not animal cells.

What two organelles does a plant cell have that an animal cell does not?

cell wall and chromosomes

Which organelle would a plant NOT have?

The only organelle that is unique to animal cells is the centriole.

Which is a characteistic of plant cells and not animal cells?

Plant cells contain cell walls while animal cells do not (animal cells contain cell membranes).

What organelle does animal cells have that plant do not?

Plant cells have these which animal cells don't:chloroplastscell wallsvery large vacuoles (animals cells have small ones).

Are centrioles present in plant and animal cells?

Centrioles are typically found in animal cells, where they play a role in cell division by organizing the spindle fibers. Plant cells do not have true centrioles but instead contain structures called microtubule-organizing centers that perform similar functions.

What do plant cells contain that animal cells do not contain?

Animal cells contain centriole that is absent in plants .

Which organelle is found in both animal and plant cells but is very large in plant cells?


Plant cell organelle?

Plant Cells have many Organelles, such as a Chloroplast, which is not present in animal cells