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Our sun is a star,

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Q: Which body in our solar system is classified as a star?
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Which body is classified in your solar system as a star?

The Sun is classified as a star in the solar system. It is a yellow dwarf star located at the center of the solar system and serves as the primary source of light and energy for the planets orbiting around it.

Which celestial boby in your solar system is classified as a star?

the sun

What are stars relationship within the solar system?

The central body of every solar system is a star.

Which solar system has 62 moons?

There is only one Solar System; it is the star system with the star named Sol (our solar system). It is technically incorrect to refer to any other star system as 'a solar system.' Our star system is is also the only star system we know intimately enough (in fine enough detail) to know to have moons. It is not currently possible for us to detect moons orbiting extrasolar planets (planets orbiting other stars). There are 336 objects classified as moons in the Solar System.

Which is the largest star in the solar system?

The Sun is the largest star in our solar system. It is a yellow dwarf star that comprises over 99% of the total mass of the solar system.

Related questions

Which body in our solar system is classified a star?

Our sun is a star,

What body in our solar system is classified as a star?

The sun.

Which body is classified in your solar system as a star?

The Sun is classified as a star in the solar system. It is a yellow dwarf star located at the center of the solar system and serves as the primary source of light and energy for the planets orbiting around it.

Which celestial boby in your solar system is classified as a star?

the sun

Is the sun the smallest star in our solar system?

No, the sun is not the smallest star in our solar system. In fact, the sun is the largest star in our solar system and accounts for over 99% of the total mass. It is classified as a G-type main-sequence star.

What are stars relationship within the solar system?

The central body of every solar system is a star.

Which body in your solar system does the star represent?


Which star does the moon get the most light?

The Sun The Sun is classified as a G-type main star, and at the centre of our Solar System.

Which solar system has 62 moons?

There is only one Solar System; it is the star system with the star named Sol (our solar system). It is technically incorrect to refer to any other star system as 'a solar system.' Our star system is is also the only star system we know intimately enough (in fine enough detail) to know to have moons. It is not currently possible for us to detect moons orbiting extrasolar planets (planets orbiting other stars). There are 336 objects classified as moons in the Solar System.

What is the largest star in solar system?

The largest star in our solar system is the Sun. It makes up about 99.8% of the total mass in the solar system and is responsible for providing light and energy to sustain life on Earth. It is classified as a G-type main-sequence star.

Which is the largest star in the solar system?

The Sun is the largest star in our solar system. It is a yellow dwarf star that comprises over 99% of the total mass of the solar system.

What has the greatest gravity in your solar system?

In my solar system, the most massive body, which accordingly has the greatest gravity, is the central star, Sol.