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H (Hydrogen)

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Q: Which atom H or O is positively polarized electron-poor?
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Which atom H or O is negatively polarized (electron-rich)?

Oxygen (O) is negatively polarized, as it has a higher electronegativity compared to hydrogen (H). This means that oxygen attracts electrons more strongly, making it electron-rich.

Why is H plus just a proton?

H+ is just a proton because it has lost its one and only electron. In the context of chemistry, a proton is a positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom. When an atom loses an electron, it becomes positively charged and is referred to as a proton.

What two molecules are there in hydrogen bond?

In a hydrogen bond, the two molecules involved are typically a hydrogen atom covalently bonded to a highly electronegative atom like oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine, and another electronegative atom in a separate molecule. This arrangement creates a strong dipole-dipole interaction between the partially positively-charged hydrogen and the partially negatively-charged atom.

If a hydrogen atom loses its electron does it become a negative?

No, if a hydrogen atom loses its electron, it becomes a positively charged hydrogen ion (H+). This is because the electron carries a negative charge, and when it is removed from the atom, the remaining proton in the nucleus gives the atom a net positive charge.

Does hydrogen have a positive electiric charge or not?

Hydrogen can exist as a positively charged ion (H+) when it loses its electron, or as a neutral atom with no net charge when it has one electron and one proton.

Does a H ion have two electrons?

No, the former answer (striked through below this) is very wrong!Hydrogen (elemental H atom) contains only 1 (one!) electron (1s1) and since a H ion (H+) has lost that one to become stable, this H+ ion has no (zero!) electrons at all.Only the very rare and exceptional, negatively charged hydride ion H- ion contains two electrons (1s2 configuration, not favoured, not enough electronegativity)Yes. A Hydrogen atom "wants" to be stable, so it gains an electron to be iso-electronic with helium. After that, its electron configuration is 1s2. H+

What is the formula of the hydrogen ion?

The formula for the hydrogen ion is H+. It is a positively charged ion that is formed when a hydrogen atom loses its electron.

Which atom or ion in each what pairs would you expect to be larger H or H?

The size will be H- ion > H atom > H+ ion

What kind of the atom is concentrated in nucleus?

I am assuming that by "kind of the atom" you mean atomic particle. In that case, the particles concentrated in a nucleus are protons(positively charged) and neutrons(no charge).All atoms are concetrated in the nucleus. Almost all of the mass of an atom is located in the nucleus. The atom mostconcentrated in the nucleus would be a hydrogen atom. As Hydrogen frequently loses its single electron, an H+ atom is all concentrated in its nucleus. :-)

What causes positively charged H ions?

The lost of the electron produce the cation H+.

Why is H also an accepted symbol for a proton?

H is an accepted symbol for a proton because a proton is the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. Since hydrogen atoms consist of just one proton and no neutrons, the symbol H is used to denote both the element hydrogen and a single proton.

How many number of atom of each element does H have?

H has exactly one atom of hydrogen.