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Q: Which army property would be classified as durable?
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What type of property is not classified for accounting purposes?

For the Army, real property is not classified for accounting purposes. All Army property, except real property, is classified as expendable, nonexpendable, or durable

What are classifications of Army property?

Expendable, non-expendable, and durable

what army property classification includes tools?

The classification that includes tools is Durable.

Did the south free slaves in the civil war?

At the very end, the Confederates started recruiting slaves into the army. Whether they ceased to be the property of their owners, I don't know. Property of the army and the government, I would guess.

Are Swiss army worth buying?

Yes, Swiss army products are some of the highest quality and durable products in the world.

What classified US Army intelligence program is said to have identified the 911 Highjackers?

Because it is classified, it cannot be discussed.

Can you find out what type security clearance classification you had when you were in the Army?

This is classified.

Who may approve the movement of property between army and non army organizations?

United States Property and Fiscal Office. USPFO.

What army regulation covers classified documents?

AR 380-5 - Department of the Army Information Security Program

Will the Army accept you if you have obsessive compulsive disorder?

Neither the Intelligence, nor the Military Forces would accept a person with anything that is classified as a mental illness.

What constitutional right gave Lincoln the right to free the slaves?

The Constitution of the United States of America made the President, the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Lincoln was the President. As such he warned the enemy to surrender or that as part of their property that he would take would be their slaves. Armies have always taken and used their enemies' property. What he did as Commander in Chief of the army maintained a great tradition. In the past, many armies had taken their enemies women with their other property. Since Southerners considered their slaves to be their property, such would be the property which the army would take if the South did not surrender. So. Lincoln had that right because slaves were the property of people fighting against the United States.

What is the Regulation that governs Army Policy on the transfer of classified military information to a foreign national?

Army Regulation 380-10