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A carnivore organism needs to produce more pepsin because its diet is rich predominently on meat in contrast to a herbivore . The last one contains a lot of proteins for which digestion pepsin plays a crucial role in the digestive system.

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Q: Which animal produce less pepsin a herbivore or carnivore?
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What does gastrulation produce?

Gastrugy produce pepsin and renin pepsin help to decompose protein food why renin help to decompose milk for more information send it to my mail

Do animals have pepsin?

Pepsin is the powerful enzyme in gastric juice that digests proteins such as those in meat, eggs, seeds, or dairy products in the stomach. Since animals have stomachs, they therefore have pepsin.

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Why does pepsin not remain active in the duodenum?

Yes. The precursor of pepsin is called pepsinogen; it is produced by stomach cells and then activated by the HCl in the stomach. Pepsin works best at very low pH.... e.g. acid conditions of the stomach. The small intestine has glands that produce neutralize the acid. Pepsin denatures at pH's of 5,0 or higher..... so effectively it is neutralized when the chyme enters the small intestine.

If pepsin and trypsin had to function together what pH would produce the highest activity?

It will function at about around the pH of 2.5.

What food does pepsin begin to breakdown?

Pepsin begins the digetion of Protein. Pepsin is found in the stomach.

Why can pepsin not be produced in its active form?

Pepsin is initially secreted as an inactive precursor called pepsinogen to prevent auto-digestion of the cells that produce it. Once pepsinogen is released into the acidic environment of the stomach, it is activated by hydrochloric acid to form pepsin, which can then break down proteins. This activation process ensures that pepsin only becomes active when it is in the stomach and ready to perform its digestive function.

The stomach and small intestine produce different enzymes is that the gene that codes for pepsin is?

expressed in the stomach but not expressed in the small intestine

Which enzyme works best in alkaline conditions?

Pepsin in the stomach

Where is pepsin produced What is the effect of pepsin on protein?

Pepsin is produced in the stomach. Pepsin is an enzyme that digests (hydrolyses) proteins into smaller polypeptide molecules.