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Sounds like a reptile to me.

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7y ago
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4mo ago

Birds are animals that are born from hard-shelled eggs. They lay their eggs in nests and incubate them until they hatch.

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15y ago

some birds ,crabsalong time ago moas

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Izabella Gilliam

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Don't Kno

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What texture is a platypus egg?

The egg of a platypus is leathery. It is not hard-shelled like a bird's egg.

Are turtle egg hard or soft?

Turtle eggs (and tortoise eggs) can be either hard or soft-shelled, depending on the species.

How did the hard shelled egg help reptiles adapt to life on land?

to protect them from pridators

Which organism develops from a hard-shelled egg a human a bluebird a swordfish or a sunflower?

A bluebird.

What type of egg would a desert animal lay?

Birds lay normal, hard-shelled eggs while reptiles usually lay eggs with a leathery shell that is flexible.

What is an egg shell of an animal?

Monotremes are egg-laying mammals, and their eggs are not hard-shelled, but leathery. The monotremes include the platypus and echidna.Reptiles also lay rubbery/leathery eggs.

What is the function of the shelled egg?

The primary function - is to contain the developing embryo and its nutritional yolk-sac until the foetus is ready to emerge. That applies whether it's a hard-shelled egg like a bird, or a soft-shell like a reptile.

Are platypus eggs soft or hard?

Platypus eggs are soft, with a leather-like texture, similar to reptile eggs. The shell is not hard like bird eggs, making them unique among egg-laying mammals.

What's the name of eggs that mammals lay?

The eggs laid by monotremes (egg-laying mammals) are still called eggs. They are soft-shelled and leathery, rather than hard-shelled like birds' eggs.

What animal was the first to be born?


What special type of egg do reptiles have?

Reptile eggs are soft-shelled so that the babies can break out of the shells. Bird eggs are hard-shelled, because baby birds use their beaks to crack the shells of their eggs, but since reptiles don't have beaks to use to break their shells, their eggs have to be soft-shelled.

What wild animal would lay a small blue pink and white soft shelled egg on the ground under a palm tree?

Horses, flys, and dogs