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Q: Which amino acid codes for TAT?
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What amino acid does GCG carry?

GCG codes for the amino acid alanine.

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The mRNA code "a a a" would correspond to the amino acid lysine.

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Four examples of codons and state the instructions they encode?

AUG - codes for the start of translation and the amino acid methionine. UAA - codes for a stop signal to terminate translation. GCA - codes for the amino acid alanine. CAG - codes for the amino acid glutamine.

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The codon AGA codes for the amino acid arginine.

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i seriously don't think Golgi bodies have tat....

What is the three letter sequence that codes for an amino acid?

A three letter sequence that codes for an amino acid in DNA or mRNA is called a codon. Each codon corresponds to a specific amino acid or a start/stop signal in protein synthesis.

What amino acid is codes for by this sequence after the mutation?


What amino acid does ACG code for?

ACG codes for the amino acid Threonine.

For any codon there can only be one?

There is only one corresponding amino acid for each codon. Each codon codes specifically for one amino acid (however, an amino acid can be coded for by several different codons). For example: CAU codes for Histamine (and not any other amino acid) But, CAC also codes for Histamine.

Why does mrna mutation affect the amino acid sequence?

The codon UGU codes for the amino acid Cysteine. The codon UGG codes for the amino acid Tryptophan. Therefore the mutation will cause the amino acid Cysteine to be replaced with Tryptophan. These amino acids are quite different, and the final shape of the protein could be changed as a result. This could affect the function of the protein.