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Q: Which air contains more damp inhaled or exhaled air?
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Which contains more oxygen inhaled air or exhaled air?

Inhaled air contains more oxygen than exhaled air. When you breathe in, oxygen is taken into your lungs and absorbed into your bloodstream. When you breathe out, you release carbon dioxide produced by your body and some of the oxygen has been used up.

How does concentration of inhaled and exhaled air differ?

The inhaled air typically has a higher concentration of oxygen and lower concentration of carbon dioxide compared to exhaled air. This is because oxygen is absorbed by the body during respiration, while carbon dioxide is expelled as a waste product.

How does the oxygen and carbon dioxide content of exhaled air differ from inhaled air?

Exhaled air has higher levels of carbon dioxide and lower levels of oxygen compared to inhaled air. This is because the body takes in oxygen from the air and releases carbon dioxide as a waste product during the process of respiration.

What is the differences between inhaled air and exhaled air?

Inhaled air contains a greater volume of oxygen than carbon dioxide. Exhaled air is the opposite, since after the exchange of gases in the lungs the carbon dioxide in the blood is transferred into the lungs. Exhaled air contains a greater volume of carbon dioxide than oxygen. Also, there is more water vapour in exhaled air than inhaled air.

Is carbon dioxide richer in exhaled or atmospheric air?

yes it is the inhaled air is 0.04 %, whereas, of the exhaled air is 4 % (100 times) more

What are the 3 main difference between the exhaled and inhaled air?

Exhaled air has less oxygen than inhaled air.Exhaled air has more carbon dioxide than inhaled air.Exhaled air is warmer that inhaled air.Maybe the first 2 are redundant, but I think that should work!

Does inhale air has more oxygen or exhaled air?

Inhaled air has more oxygen compared to exhaled air. When we inhale, we take in fresh oxygen from the environment to use for cellular respiration. As we exhale, we release carbon dioxide and the remaining oxygen that was not used by the body.

How is inhaled air different from exhaled air?

Inhaled air contains higher levels of oxygen and lower levels of carbon dioxide compared to exhaled air. Exhaled air also has higher levels of moisture and temperature due to the exchange of gases and water vapor in the lungs.

Does argon make up 100 times more of an exhaled breath than of an inhaled breath?

No, argon makes up a very small percentage of both inhaled and exhaled breath, around 0.93% in the atmosphere. The composition of argon in exhaled breath is almost the same as in inhaled breath, as we do not metabolize it.

Which gas is more plus abundant in exhaled air than inhaled air?

Carbon dioxide (CO2).

Which two gases are which you exhale more than inhale?

Carbon dioxide is exhaled more than it is inhaled, as it is a waste product of metabolism. Nitrogen is also exhaled more than it is inhaled because it makes up a large percentage of the air we breathe, but is not used by our bodies.

Is there a way of showing that exhaled air has more oxygen in it than inhaled air?

Exhaled air should have less oxygen since it is carrying the CO2 from your lungs in the first place. A way of showing... there may be