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Q: Which activity is accomplished using the gentic code?
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What is gentic code?


What is the gentic code?


How does the genetic code create a living organism?

The gentic code is the set of rule which information encoded within gentic material DNA and mRNA sequences it translated into protrins by living cell.

What process is thought to have changed the gentic code over billions of years?

mass and energy

Because the zygote gets half of its gentic code from each gamete the human offspring?

results in the 46 chromosomes that we have?

Why some diseases are heriditary?

Because, these are transmitted to the new born by any of its parents through the gentic code in the egg and sperm of the parents.

Which component of DNA carries the gentic code?

The genetic code is carried by the sequences of nucleotide bases in the DNA molecule. These bases are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). The specific order of these bases determines the genetic information encoded in DNA.

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What is your activity code in mathletics?

Mathletics activity codes don't work, and are just to atract atention! anyway heres a code: wek4563

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If you dont get a new person each time your cells reproduce what does cell reproduction do for the body?

Cell reproduction, or cell division, is essential for growth, tissue repair, and maintenance of the body. It allows the body to replace old or damaged cells with new ones. While the genetic material (DNA) is copied and passed on to the new cells, the overall individual remains the same.

What is the code to hide activity stream on your myspace?

div.activityMiniFeedModule {display:none;}