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By definition, a supravital stain is used to demonstrate the in vivo vital processes of cells that have been removed from the body. Supravital stains (New Methylene Blue N; Brilliant Cresyl Blue) are used in particular to stain reticulocytes for a manual retic count. Reticulocytes are immature RBC's released early from the bone marrow in response to anemia. Using Brilliant Cresyl Blue, the reticulocytes will show a "reticular" (mesh-like) network of residual rRNA that has not yet been extruded from the cell.

Any RBC can be seen on a supravital stain, supravital stains are used to identify Heinz bodies in cases of G6PD deficiency anemia

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1mo ago

Only reticulocytes and nucleated red blood cells can be visualized on supravital staining, as these cells retain RNA. Mature red blood cells do not contain RNA and therefore do not stain with supravital stains.

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Q: Which RBC cells can be seen on supravital stain?
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