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Q: Which 5 African countries does the prime meridian pass through?
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What African countries touch the prime meridian?

The African countries that touch the prime meridian are Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, and Ghana.

Which African countries does the prime meridian pass through?

Ghana, Togo, Burkina Faso, Mali and Algeria

Name 3 countries through which the Greenwich Meridian passes?

The Greenwich Meridian passes through the United Kingdom, France, and Spain.

Name all countries in Africa that the Greenwich Meridian crosses?

The prime meridian (also called the Greenwich meridian) passes through the African countries of Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Ghana.

African countries that touch the prime meridian?

AlgeriaMaliBurkina FasoTogoGhana

What two african countries are located along the prime meridian?

The two African countries located along the prime meridian are Algeria and Mali.

What five African countries are along the prime meridian?

The five African countries along the prime meridian are Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, and Ghana.

What European countries does the Prime Meridian pass through?

The prime meridian offically passes through the Royal Observatory in London.

Does africa pass through the prime meridian?

About 2,080 miles of the Prime Meridian, or about 17% of its total length, crosses territory on the African continent, including parts of the countries of Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, and Ghana.

What African countries does the prime meridian pass through?

Africa - Algeria, Mali, Burkina, Ghana, Togo Europe - United Kingdom, France, Spain

Which three countries does the Prime Meridian pass through?

The three countries that the Prime Meridian passes through are -- England -- France -- Spain -- Algeria -- Mali -- Burkina Faso -- Togo -- Ghana.

What are 2 countries the prime meridian runs through?

England, France, and Ghana.