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if i went to venus i would live in the mountains.

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8mo ago

Currently, no manned missions or habitable structures exist on Venus due to its extreme heat and atmospheric conditions. Future human exploration of Venus would likely involve sealed habitats or spacecraft designed to withstand the harsh environment.

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Q: Where would you stay if you went to Venus?
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umm...nowhere....venus' gravity is like 3 times what earths is so it would crush us to dust...and then the 400 degrees surface temperature would melt us

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In 2005 a satellite went into orbit around Venus.

Who went to Venus?

nobody so far.No human has ever set foot on venus because it is WAY too hot.We would boil to death before we even get the chance to walk on the planet.Hope this helps.

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The Magellan probe was designed to study Venus. It went to Venus in 1994.

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