Most of the atoms were manufactured in stars that exploded before the solar system came into existence. Atoms cycle from person to person with ever breath you take, perspiration is vaporized. We recycle atoms on a grand scale. Atoms are ageless. So you see the atoms that make up a baby forming in its mothers womb must be supplied by the food the mother eats.
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The atoms that make up a newborn baby were manufactured inside stars through nucleosynthesis. Elements heavier than hydrogen and helium are formed in the cores of stars during fusion processes, and they are released into space when the star goes supernova. These elements eventually come together to form planets, including Earth, and all living organisms on it.
-- The atoms were manufactured in the core of a star that ended its life in the
explosion of a supernova sometime in the last ten billion years or so.
-- The molecules were manufactured in plants, animals, atmosphere, oceans, and
dirt, then torn apart and reassembled as different molecules in the mother's body.
Atoms are important because they make up everything in existence. Every object you can find will be made of atoms.
All matter, is made up of Atoms. Essentially everything formed within a cell is formed of Atoms, but that is not the direct connection. Atoms make up molecules, and molecules make up cells.
yes, because a head pin is made of atoms. Atoms make up everything.
Atoms are the tiny particles that make up molecules. Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Molecules are formed when atoms combine together through chemical bonds.
Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter that make up everyday objects. A desk, the air, even you are made up of atoms!There are 90 naturally occurring kinds of atoms. Scientists in labs have been able to make about 25 more.