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Q: Where the red fern grow where was there a fad of wearing coonskin coats?
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What do you call when a seedlike object falls from a fern and will grow into a fern?


Does fern grow on the ground?

The structure that fern roots grow from are rhizomes.

Where does the ostrich fern grow?

from the sea

Do peanuts grow on fern trees?

no. they grow in the ground like potatoes.

Where does the fern grow in Where the Red Fern Grows?

Between Old Dan and Little Ann's graves.

Fronds grow from what fern structures?


Does a fern grow from spores or seeds?

a spore

Does the Boston fern grow in any specific country or area?

yes it the boston fern does grow in specific country or area but i forgot where it l grows though.

Can dogs grow multiple winter coats?


Where do bird nest fern grow on?

It grows on trees

What parts of fern grow underground?

roots and stems

Does the rhizome of a fern grow vertically or horizontally?
