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The main idea is to put as much between you and the tornado as possible. Go to your basement if you have one. If not, take cover in an interior room, hallway, or closet on the lowest floor. A bathroom and especially a bathtub often provide good protection. Avoid windows.

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Q: Where should you seek refuge in your home during a tornado where are the safe rooms in your home?
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What if you have a 1 story house and no storm cellar with all the rooms having windows and a tornado happens what will you do?

If you are unable to leave the house, it is recommended to take shelter in the lowest level of the house, such as a bathroom or interior closet. Stay away from windows and cover yourself with a mattress or heavy blankets to protect yourself from flying debris. Listen to weather updates and follow instructions from local authorities.

When was From the Tea-rooms of Mars .... created?

From the Tea-rooms of Mars .... was created in 1981-02.

Where do people hide if there is a hurricane?

People typically seek shelter in sturdy buildings with basements, safe rooms, or designated storm shelters to protect themselves from a hurricane. It is important to stay away from windows and doors, and to seek refuge on the lowest floor possible if flooding is a concern. It is crucial to follow evacuation orders issued by local authorities to stay safe during a hurricane.

Which is better- 42 in ceiling fan or 52 in ceiling fan?

The choice between a 42-inch and 52-inch ceiling fan depends on the size of the room. A 52-inch fan is more suitable for larger rooms (over 225 square feet), while a 42-inch fan is better for smaller rooms. It's important to choose the right size to ensure efficient air circulation and cooling.

What kind of place can be sterile?

Places like hospitals, laboratories, clean rooms, and surgical operating rooms can be made sterile through processes like rigorous cleaning, air filtration, and disinfection to prevent the growth and spread of microorganisms.

Related questions

What does the word tornado safe area mean?

There are saferooms, more often called storm shelters. These are reinforced or underground rooms that are designed to keep people safe during a tornado. Ideally, one should be able to withstand an EF4 and perhaps an EF5 tornado.

Why is it important to avoid rooms with windows during a tornado?

It is important to avoid rooms with windows during a tornado because flying debris and high winds can cause windows to break, leading to potential injury from shattered glass. Interior rooms without windows provide more protection from these dangers during a tornado.

How did the prime minister protect himself during the blitz?

He would either seek refuge in the War Rooms, or stay in Downing Street, which had, I believe, a bomb shelter in the basement during the war. :)

What is the most resistant structure during a tornado?

Underground storm shelters or safe rooms are the most resistant structures during a tornado. These are built to withstand high winds and flying debris, providing a safe haven for occupants during a tornado.

What should you do if you hear a tornado warning siren?

Hide in the basement if you have one. Other good locations are bathtubs or rooms in the middle of the house.

How is the bathroom safe to hide during tornado?

Bathrooms can be a relatively safe place to hide during a tornado because they are typically small, windowless rooms located near the center of a building. This can provide some protection from flying debris and high winds. It is recommended to get into the bathtub and cover yourself with a mattress or heavy blankets for added protection.

Where do people go when a tornado comes?

People go to basements, cellars or safe rooms!!!

How did people protect themselves from the Greensburg tornado?

During the Greensburg tornado, people protected themselves by seeking shelter in basements, storm shelters, or designated safe rooms. Some residents also utilized warning sirens and weather radios to stay informed about the approaching tornado, allowing them to take necessary precautions. Additionally, emergency services and first responders played a crucial role in evacuating and providing aid to those affected by the tornado.

How can you protec your self from a tornado?

yes,by finding small rooms in your house with no windows and never go to your car.

Is it safe in a closet during tornado?

It can be safe to seek shelter in a closet during a tornado, especially if it is a small interior closet on the lowest floor of your home. Make sure to take additional precautions by covering yourself with a mattress or heavy blankets to protect against flying debris. Remember to stay away from windows and doors.

Where are the safe rooms in your home during a tornado?

Safe rooms in a home during a tornado are typically located in the basement, preferably in a central area away from windows. If your home does not have a basement, the next best option is a small interior room on the lowest level of the house, such as a closet or bathroom. Make sure the room is structurally sound and does not have windows.

Why would a closet be safe during a tornado?

A closet can be safe during a tornado because it is typically a small, windowless, and central space within a home. These features can help protect against flying debris and collapsing walls. It is important to choose a closet on the lowest level of the home, away from windows, for increased safety.