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at a weather station

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3w ago

An anemometer should be located in an open area, away from obstructions that could disrupt the flow of air such as buildings, trees, or other structures. It should be mounted at a height that reflects the conditions for which wind data is being collected, typically 30 feet above the ground for general weather monitoring.

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What is the name of the tool used to mesure wind speed?

The tool used to measure wind speed is called an anemometer. It typically consists of cups that rotate in the wind to determine the wind speed.

What does an anemometer detect?

An anemometer detects wind speed.

When did Torricelli invent the anemometer?

Evangelista Torricelli did not invent the anemometer; however, the first known description of an anemometer was by Leon Battista Alberti in the 15th century. Torricelli did invent the mercury barometer in the 17th century, which measures atmospheric pressure.

What does anemometer detect?

An anemometer detects wind speed.

Why is a anemometer called a anemometer?

The term "anemometer" comes from the Greek words "anemos," meaning wind, and "metron," meaning measure. So, an anemometer is a device used to measure wind speed and direction.

What is the use of anemometer?

An anemometer is used for weather forecasting by meteorologists.

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Temperature does not belong because it directly measures the degree of hotness or coldness of an object or environment, while the others are weather elements that can be measured or calculated.

What Marvin Rosaroso learn and do with the result of discovered an anemometer?

Marvin Rosaroso likely learned about the measurement of wind speed and direction using an anemometer. He may have used the results to track weather patterns, gather data for scientific research, or improve safety measures in outdoor activities such as sailing or aviation.

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What is the Hebrew word for anemometer?

anemometer = mahd-ru'akh (מד־רוח)

What is a sentence using the word anemometer?

This is my favorite anemometer; it's not for sale.

What is anemometer's?

An anemometer is a device used for measuring and recording the speed of wind.