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The Mid-Atlantic Ridge comes up above the surface of the water to form the island Iceland.

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Q: Where part of a mid-ocean ridge above water?
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Do most of the volcanoes of the mid-ocean ridge rise above the oceans surface?

No, most of the volcanoes along the mid-ocean ridge do not rise above the ocean's surface. These submarine volcanoes are typically under the water and form part of the continuous volcanic activity that occurs along the ocean ridges. Only a few volcanoes along the mid-ocean ridge, such as Iceland, rise above the ocean's surface.

Are North America and Africa the same distance from the Mid-Atlantic ridge?

Africa is 2,400 km from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and North America is 3,000 km from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at its closest point. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is part of the longest mountain chain in the world. Most of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is under water, but parts of the elevation extend above sea level.

Part of the earth's crust above water?

The part shown above the water is known commonly as land.

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The Blue Ridge Mountains are part of the Appalachian chain and are found in North Carolina and Virginia. They rise above 6000 feet.

How far below sea level is the peak of the Mid-Ocean Ridge?

The highest peaks of the ridge average about 2500 meters below sea level (2.5 kilometers), while Iceland is part of the ridge above sea level. Parts of the ridge are more than 4000 meters below MSL.

What is a part of a yacht that is under water?

"all boats" have a draft, the part beneath the water. The part above is the freeboard. The part in the water is the Hull.

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The Frontal bone is located above the eyebrow.

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The Blue Ridge is a part of the Appalachian Mountains in the northern part of the state.

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The ridge of a wave is the highest point along the wave's profile, where the amplitude is at its maximum. This is where the wave's energy is most concentrated.

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Machu Picchu is located in Peru on a mountain ridge above the Urubamba Valley, northwest of the city of Cusco (Cuzco) in the southern part of the country.

What is the mid-ocean ridge?

The mid-ocean ridge is an underwater mountain range that forms when two tectonic plates move apart, allowing magma to rise up and create new oceanic crust. It is the longest mountain range on Earth and plays a key role in the process of seafloor spreading.