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chloroplast i think..

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Q: Where most photosynthesis takes place in the leaf what word is this?
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Which part of the plant is most important for photosynthesis is it leaf or stem?

Photosynthesis takes place mainly in the leaves.

Where most photosynthesis takes place in the leaf?

Most photosynthesis takes place in the mesophyll cell layer of a leaf, specifically in the chloroplasts of these cells. The palisade mesophyll cells are particularly important for photosynthesis due to their high concentrations of chloroplasts and direct exposure to light.

Where does most of the photosynthesis in the leaf takes place?

Most photosynthesis in a leaf occurs in the mesophyll cells, found in the middle layer of the leaf. Specifically, the chloroplasts within the mesophyll cells are responsible for conducting photosynthesis by capturing light energy and converting it into chemical energy in the form of glucose.

Which part of the leaf is most active in photosynthesis?

The palisade mesophyll cells, located in the upper layer of the leaf, are the most active in photosynthesis. They contain a high concentration of chloroplasts, where photosynthesis takes place, and are positioned to receive the most light for energy production.

Where does most photosynthesis take place in?

Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts found in the mesophyll layer.

What is the thin part of the leaf called?

The Blade, or lamina, is the broad, flat part of the leaf. Photosynthesis occurs in the blade, which has many green food-making cells.

In which part of a plant would you find the most chloroplasts and why?

You would find the most chloroplasts in the leaf cells of a plant, particularly in the mesophyll cells. This is because chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, which primarily occurs in the leaves where sunlight can be absorbed for energy.

Where does photosynthesis mainly take place?

Photosynthesis mainly takes place in the chloroplasts of plant cells. Specifically, the chloroplasts are found in the mesophyll cells of the leaves in most plants. The green pigment chlorophyll absorbs light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen during the process of photosynthesis.

Where most of the light energy enters the leaf?

Most of the light energy enters the leaf through the chloroplasts, specifically through the chlorophyll pigments found in the thylakoid membranes. This is where photosynthesis takes place, converting light energy into chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH.

Parts of photosynthesis in a plant?

Photosynthesis takes place mostly inside the plants leaves as that is where the most chloroplast is kept.

In which part of the plant would you find most chloroplasts and why?

In the leaves because most of photosynthesis takes place in the leaves and chloroplasts are the seat of photosynthesis.

In which part of the plant does most of the photosynthesis take place?

Most of the photosynthesis in a plant takes place in the leaves, specifically in the cells within the leaf called mesophyll cells. These cells contain chloroplasts, which are the organelles responsible for photosynthesis, and are where sunlight is converted into energy for the plant.