Gorillas are primarily herbivores and do not hunt for food. They forage for plants, fruits, and occasionally insects. They are not known to hunt in groups.
Yes. They live in groups, but they don't hunt cooperatively.
Nope - the hunt instinctively. They are born with the ability to search out prey.
Organisms that hunt and kill other organisms for food are called predators.
If you are looking to hunt the then I suggest to try around South America for I am a dedicated volcano hunter I use a barett 50. cal to hunt them what do you use?
If you go to Chrissie's Profile in "Characters" you should see him there if you scroll Down
if you go to to the video diaries and go on Luke's profile and scroll down it will be there
Go on the doctor who website and go on the judoon file scroll down and there it is!!
http:/www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/mb and scroll down to the bottom of the page
Go onto characters Click on Clyde Scroll down
go to the attic and scroll down
http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/tronji/faq.shtml, scroll down to the bottom and bingo!
right click in the box
It is on the Sarah Jane website: go on the attic then scroll down and the star poet's there. or go on http://www.bbc.co.UK/cbbc/sja/theattic/ and scroll down. :)
go on charators and go on chrissie then scroll down
he is on the bamzookie help page just scroll down(Not)
Go on sja then click characters go to rani scroll down and there