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Q: Where is there more photosynthesizing chloroplasts in the leaf or stem of the plant?
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What part of a plant has more chloroplasts?

Parts which get more light.Examples like leaf can be taken.

Why do leaf cells have so many chloroplasts?

Leaf cells have many chloroplasts because chloroplasts are the organelles responsible for photosynthesis, which converts sunlight into energy for the plant. Having more chloroplasts in leaf cells allows for efficient capture of sunlight and production of nutrients. This is especially important for plants, as they rely on photosynthesis for their energy needs.

What leaf part has many chloroplasts?

the chloroplasts aren't a part of the actual leaf. they are individual organelles found in the cytoplasm of a cell.

Why do leaves contain more chloroplasts than roots?

Plant leaves contain more chloroplasts than plant roots because photosynthesis occurs in the leaves. In order to carry out the various functions of photosynthesis, a large number of chloroplasts is required.

What parts of a plant have cells with chloroplasts in them?

The cells with chloroplasts in a plant are primarily found in the leaves, particularly in the mesophyll cells. Chloroplasts are also present in lesser quantities in other green parts of the plant, such as stems and unripe fruit.

What typical plant cell organelle would a root cell have less of than a leaf?

A root cell would typically have less chloroplasts than a leaf cell. This is because chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis, which is more critical in leaf cells due to their role in capturing sunlight energy for food production. Root cells primarily focus on water and nutrient absorption, so they have fewer chloroplasts.

In what type of cells do choloroplast take place?

Chloroplasts are found only in plant cells. They contain the green pigment called chlorophyll, which absorbs sunlight. The chloroplasts use the sunlight energy to make food (sugar) for the plant. Chloroplasts are found mainly in the leaf cells in plants. Cells in the top half of the leaf, called palisade cells, have many chloroplasts. Cells in the bottom half of the leaf, called spongy cells, have fewer chloroplasts. Not all plant cells contain chloroplasts. For example cells inside the stem, and root cells, usually lack chloroplasts. Also the 'skin' cells (epidermis) on the leaves do not contain chloropasts. For more information about chloroplasts see:

What happens if chloroplasts are absent in a plant cell?

If chloroplasts are absent in a plant cell, the cell would not be able to perform photosynthesis, which is essential for producing energy in the form of glucose. This would likely lead to the plant being unable to grow, develop, or survive.

Which part of a green plant would show the greatest increase in chloroplasts as the summer approaches?

The leaves of a green plant would show the greatest increase in chloroplasts as the summer approaches. The leaves are the primary site for photosynthesis and where chloroplasts are most abundant, so they would require more chloroplasts to capture the increased sunlight during the summer.

In what part of the plants does photosynthesis occurs in?

Photosynthesis occurs mainly in the chloroplasts of plant cells. More specifically, the chlorophyll pigments within the chloroplasts are responsible for capturing light energy and converting it into chemical energy through the process of photosynthesis.

What vegetables do not contain chloroplasts?

Vegetables do not exist. Every edible plant is either the fruit of the plant, (i.e. apples, peanuts, tomatoes), the stem, the leaf, or the root (i.e. carrots). But the only parts of a plant that contain chloroplasts are leaves and stems. So think of any vegetable you know not to be a leaf or a stem.

Would you expect a plant's roots or leaves to have more chloroplasts?

Chloroplasts need sunlight for its function. So leaves have more chloroplasts