Odessa, Texas is in the Central Time Zone.
The time difference between Albuquerque, New Mexico and Odessa, Texas is one hour. Albuquerque is in the Mountain Time Zone, while Odessa is in the Central Time Zone.
found in the northern hemisphere 20 degrees west
The latitude of Odessa, Texas is 31.8457° N, and the longitude is 102.3676° W.
Some landforms in Odessa include the Black Sea coast, the Kuyalnik Estuary, the Dniester Liman, and the Meridian Eye. These landforms are important natural features that contribute to the unique landscape of the region.
Odessa State Medical University was created in 1900.
Odessa is a major port city in the Ukraine.
California is a US State.
The address of the Odessa Branch is: 107 W Mason St, Odessa, 64076 1260
The address of the Historic Houses Of Odessa is: 109 Main St, Odessa, DE 19730
Odessa is in Ukraine!
Odessa Fernandez's birth name is Odessa Zabala Fernandez.
The address of the Heritage Of Odessa Foundation is: Po Box 3908, Odessa, TX 79760-3908
The address of the Historic Odessa Foundation is: Po Box 697, Odessa, DE 19730-0697
The address of the Odessa Historical Society is: 2941 King Ranch Rd N, Odessa, WA 99159
Odessa Rae was born in Canada.
The cast of Odessa - 2005 includes: Yolanda King as Odessa