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Q: Where is the majority of the mas located in the atom?
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Where are nuetrons located in an atom?

Neutrons are located in the nucleus of an atom, along with protons. Together, neutrons and protons make up the majority of an atom's mass. Electrons, which are negatively charged particles, orbit around the nucleus.

The majority of the atom's mass is found in the?

The majority of an atom's mass is found in the nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons. Electrons, which are much smaller in mass, are located in the electron cloud outside the nucleus.

Where is most the mass of an atom called?

The majority of an atom's mass is found in its nucleus, which is located at the center of the atom. The nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons, which are much more massive than the electrons that orbit the nucleus.

What is the majority of an atom is empty?


The majority of an atom's ------ is in its nucleus?


Where is the protons located on an atom?

Protons are located in the nucleus of an atom, which is the central core where most of the atom's mass is concentrated.

Where is the great majority of the mass of the atom found?

The great majority of the mass of an atom is found in the nucleus, where protons and neutrons are located. The nucleus is incredibly dense and accounts for almost all of the atom's mass, while electrons, which are much smaller and lighter, contribute very little to the overall mass of the atom.

Where is most of the atoms mass found?

The majority of an atom's mass is concentrated in the nucleus, which is made up of protons and neutrons. Electrons, which are much smaller in mass than protons and neutrons, occupy the space surrounding the nucleus.

What part of the atom contains the majority of mass an atom has?

The nucleus contains the mass.

What is Universitetssjukhuset MAS's population?

Universitetssjukhuset MAS is a hospital located in Malmö, Sweden. It serves a large catchment area with a population of around 700,000 people.

Where in an atom neutrons located?

A neutron is located in the nucleus of an atom.