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The deltoid muscle is located in the upper arm, covering the shoulder joint. It is commonly referred to as the deltoid and is responsible for arm abduction and rotation.

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Q: Where is the declate area on the body?
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Why is the neck area called the declate?

The declare comes from the French word "decollate" which means a woman's neck line. This is the word for the neck area on pigs.

What is a declate on the neck?

pretty much your chest

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There are many best songs in bollywood, We can declate one as best. Bollywood has many charismatic songs which will touch your heart. Get maximum bollywood songs & their meaning at

What is an empty area that holds web page content?

The body area. It is surrounded by the <body> and </body> tags.

How do you work on an target area on your body?

There is no target area.

Body area where the kidneys reside?

retroperitoneal area

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Examination of the back is considered a body area examination because it focuses on a specific region of the body rather than a specific organ system. It involves assessing the skin, muscles, bones, and nerves of the back to evaluate for any abnormalities or issues.

a ____ is an area of land that drains to a common body of water?

A watershed is an area of land that drains to a common body of water.

What is an area of land that drains to a common body of water.?

A watershed is an area of land that drains to a common body of water.

What is the rule of the nines?

•This method divides the body into 11 areas, each counting for 9% of the total body area, plus an additional area surrounding the genitals accounting for 1% of the body surface area.

Demonstrate irritability and conductivity?

Irritability in physiology refers to a cell's ability to respond to a stimulus by changing its membrane potential, leading to an action potential. Conductivity refers to the ability of a cell to transmit this action potential along its membrane and to neighboring cells through gap junctions or synapses. Together, these processes allow for communication and coordination within the body's systems.