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It is halfway in between. If it is up above the clouds it helps us by giving us part of the Ultra Violent rays shot fraom the sun, if it wasn't there, well, we would be fried to a crisp. It could also be bad, if we breathe in ozone we could start having a hard time breathing, get Asthma, or possibly get canser! So, it's halfway in between good and bad.

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8mo ago

Ozone is good in the stratosphere, where it forms the ozone layer that protects Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. However, ozone at ground level is considered bad as a major component of smog, which can be harmful to human health and the environment.

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11y ago

Ozone present in the stratosphere of the earth's atmosphere is called as good ozone. It protects us from the harmful UV light of the sun.Ozone present in the troposphere is also called as bad ozone. It is also a

green house gas. It is the major constituent of the urban smog.

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10y ago

Ozone is good at stratospheric level. It is bad at ground level.

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How can ozone be both good and bad for life on earth?

OZone is both good and bad. Ground ozone is bad while atmospheric ozone is good.

How can ozone molecules can be good and bad for humans?

Yes, ozone molecules can be good and bad for humans. Good as in at ozone layer and bad at ground level.

Is the ozone job good or bad?

Ozone is good at the stratosphere. It is bad at the ground level.

Is ozone good bad or both?

The ozone is both good and bad. Good at the ground level and bad at the atmospheric level.

What is the saying to help remember where the good and bad ozone is located?

Good ozone is present in the atmosphere. Bad ozone is at the ground level.

What layer of earths atmosphere would be considered good ozone?

There is good ozone and then there is bad ozone. Good ozone is present in the earth's atmosphere.

How is ozone in the stratosphere the same as the troposphere?

No. The ozone is stratosphere is good ozone. The ozone in troposphere is bad ozone.

What are the effects of having good and bad ozone?

Good ozone in the stratosphere protects us from harmful UV radiation. Bad ozone in the troposphere, created by pollution, can cause respiratory issues and contribute to smog formation.

How can the ozone be both good and bad for life on earth?

Ozone is good when it is in the stratosphere, as it protects us from harmful UV radiation by absorbing it. However, ozone at ground level can be harmful to living organisms, causing respiratory problems and damaging crops, as it is a major component of smog.

How can ozone be both good plus bad for life on earth?

Ozone is good at atmospheric level. It is bad at ground level as pollutant.

Is ozone is a form of oxgyen?

Ozone is both good and bad form of oxygen. It is good at atmosphere level and bad at ground level.

Is the ozone hole in Antarctica good or bad?

The ozone hole in Antarctica is very bad. It is causing the plankton in that area to die.