Latitude 50° North longitude 40° West is located in the North Atlantic Ocean, approximately 1,800 km southeast of Newfoundland, Canada. It is known as a point in the Atlantic Ocean where many ships and planes pass through on transatlantic routes.
40° N 5° W is in the middle of Spain.
It falls on the N-502 in the midst of Soto del Rio Guadyerbas y Arenales del Baldio.
Hawaii includes the coordinates of 20 degrees north latitude and 158 degrees west longitude.
64.13° north latitude 21.92° west longitude
The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.
Latitude: East-west Longitude: North-south
The Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, has the coordinates 38.6247Β° N latitude and 90.1848Β° W longitude.
Fredericktown PA
Hawaii includes the coordinates of 20 degrees north latitude and 158 degrees west longitude.
64.13° north latitude 21.92° west longitude
Para maribo's latitude and longitude is 5 50 north latitude and 55 10 west longitude.
10000098 longitude and 89 latitude
polks supporters yelled this out to show that they wanted all oregon to the line of 54 40' north latitude.
The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.
The total surface of Andaman and Nicobar Islands is 8 249 km2. Latitude: between approx. 150 North latitude and 70 North latitude. Longitude: between approx. 920 East longitude and 950 East longitude.
26° 46' north latitude and 83° 22' east longitude
the latitude is 50 North and the Longitude is 30 West..
The longitude is 40 degrees north and latitude is 3 degrees east.