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Earth is the third planet from the sun,the order is from the sun-mercury,venus,earth,mars,jupiter,saturn,uranus,neptune,then pluto which now designated as a dwarf planet.

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3w ago

Earth lies between Venus and Mars in our solar system, and is the third planet from the sun. It is closer to the sun than the outer planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, but further away than the inner planets like Mercury and Venus.

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13y ago

Earth is third planet from the Sun.

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Where is the earth in relation to the other planets in the solar system?

It is the third counting from the sun between Venus and Mars.

Where is the sun in relation to the planets?

The planets orbit the central sun.

What is the relation between sun and planets?

Planets orbit around the sun due to gravitational attraction. The sun's gravitational pull keeps the planets in their orbits, while the planets also exert a gravitational force on the sun, causing it to wobble slightly. The sun provides the heat and light necessary for the planets to sustain life.

Where was the sun in relation to the other planets according to ptolemy?

In between Mars and Venus

What has to do with the sun?

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Earth and the other planets are mostly made of rock.

Does the earth and other planets revolve around the sun?

Yes, the Earth and other planets in our solar system revolve around the Sun in elliptical orbits due to the force of gravity. This orbital motion is what causes the planets to move in their respective paths around the Sun.

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The Sun, Earth and other planets, along with many other items are part of a Solar System.

How does the earth sun and move in relation to each other?

The Earth orbits the sun. (Earth travels around the sun on an oval path.)

What shape of a sun and earth and other planets?


Why does earth and all other planets orbit the sun?

Without the planets orbiting the sun all the planets would be cold and dark

Why is there is life on earth and not on other planet?

Beacuse earth has water air and Sun the moon has no air or no Sun or water only earth is a life planets the other planets are the same like moon they had no air or Sun and water