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Q: Where is continental rifting occurring today?
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What are the two continental masses resulting from the first rifting of Pangaea?

The two continental landmasses resulting from the first rifting of Pangaea are Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south. These two landmasses eventually broke apart and drifted to their current positions, forming the continents we see today.

Where does Continental rifting or divergence continue today?

Continental rifting and divergence continue today predominantly along the East African Rift system. This system stretches from the Afar region in Ethiopia down to Mozambique, creating a network of rift valleys and active volcanoes. The region is characterized by ongoing tectonic activity, with the African Plate slowly pulling away from the Arabian Plate.

Why might a fault form?

Geologic uplift, sinking, continental collision, rifting.

How does continental rifting lead to changes in plants and animals?

Continental rifting will cause plants and animals to evolve due to their changing habitats. Plants and animals that become isolated will begin to diverge and change to fit into their new ecosystems.

What are the names of the two continental masses resulting from the first rifting of pangaea?

two name are you and you

What is continental rift?

A continental rift is a long narrow slit in the earth indicating that a zone of the lithosphere has become thinner.

What is the difference between continental rifting and oceanic rifting?

Continental rifting occurs when a tectonic plate splits apart, leading to the formation of a new ocean basin. Oceanic rifting refers to the process where a divergent boundary is formed within an existing oceanic plate, leading to the creation of new oceanic crust. Both processes involve the separation of tectonic plates but occur in different settings.

Two sources that add to the size of continents?

Accretion from plate collision, and addition of crust from continental rifting.

What forms at the place where two continental plates pull apart?

A rift valley forms at the place where two continental plates pull apart. This process is known as continental rifting, and it can eventually lead to the formation of a new ocean basin if the rifting process continues and is accompanied by seafloor spreading.

How many times has rifting occurred along eastern north America since 600 million years ago?

The eastern coast of North America has experienced rifting several times since 600 million years ago. Key rifting events include the breakup of the supercontinent Pangea around 200 million years ago, which led to the opening of the Atlantic Ocean, and more recent episodes of continental rifting that have shaped the region's geology.

The process by which the Earth's crust breaks apart can occur within continental crust or oceanic crust?

The process by which the Earth's crust breaks apart is known as rifting. This can occur within both continental crust and oceanic crust, leading to the formation of rift valleys and eventually new ocean basins through the process of seafloor spreading.

When continental plates pull apart they form this?

When continental plates pull apart, they form rift valleys. This process is known as rifting and it can ultimately lead to the formation of new ocean basins if the plates continue to separate.