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Cytokinesis occurs in the cytoplasm as this is where the cleavage furrow is formed.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Cytokinesis starts during telophase.

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Q: Where is cell division located in a cell cycle?
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Is interphase considered part of cell division?

No, interphase is part of the cell cycle and so is cell division. They occur at differenttimes in the cell cycle.

What is another name for the cell cycle?

Another name for the cell cycle is cell division cycle.

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Cell division is similar to your life cycle because you are made of up cells and cells reproduce which humans reproduce. That is how cell division is related to your life cycle.

What is the division of the cell called?

The cell cycle

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What is the growth and division of a cell called?

Cell Cycle

What portion of the cells life cycle does not involve cell division?

The portion of a cell's life cycle that does not involve cell division is known as interphase. During interphase, the cell undergoes growth, carries out normal cell functions, and replicates its DNA in preparation for cell division. Cell division occurs during the M phase of the cell cycle, which includes mitosis and cytokinesis.

How much of the cell cycle is taken up by cell division?

Very little of the cell cycle is taken up by cell division. Most of the cell cycle consists of cell growth and chromosome replication so the original cell can split into multiple cells.

Period of the cell cycle between cell division?


What’s cell cycle?

Cell cycle Is the period of time from the beginning of one cell division to the beginning of the next

In what stage of the cell cycle does division occur?

Division occurs in the M phase of the cell cycle, which includes mitosis (nuclear division) and cytokinesis (cytoplasmic division).

What is the regular cycle of growth division that cells undergo?

The cell cycle