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Q: Where is a transform boundary located in the us?
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What Type of Plate Boundary Is Creating MT Fuji?

Mt. Fuji is located in Japan. It is near a continental convergent boundary, a continental transform boundary, and an oceanic transform boundary.

Is Volcan Lanin located on a plate boundary?

No, Volcan Lanin is not located on a plate boundary. It is a stratovolcano located in the Andes mountain range in Argentina, near the border with Chile. This region is associated with subduction of the Nazca Plate under the South American Plate.

Where are transform boundary found?

Transform boundaries occur where tectonic plates slide by each other. A famous transform boundary is located in California at the San Andreas Fault.

Give the location of a transform boundary in the US?

The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a transform boundary in the United States. The Pacific Plate and the North American Plate slide past each other horizontally at this boundary, causing frequent earthquakes.

What type of plate is creating mt fuji?

Mt. Fuji is located in Japan. It is near a continental convergent boundary, a continental transform boundary, and an oceanic transform boundary.

What type of plate boundaries create mt fuji?

Mt. Fuji is located in Japan. It is near a continental convergent boundary, a continental transform boundary, and an oceanic transform boundary.

Is the San Andreas fault located on a transform boundary?

Yes, the San Andreas Fault is a transform boundary where the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate are sliding past each other horizontally. This movement can result in earthquakes due to the stress building up along the fault.

What us state that has a transform boundary?

California is the U.S. state that has a transform boundary, specifically along the San Andreas Fault. This boundary is responsible for the lateral sliding motion between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate, which leads to earthquakes in the region.

What type pf plate boundary is located at the Jordan fault?

The Jordan Fault is a transform plate boundary, where two tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally. This boundary is associated with significant seismic activity due to the stress caused by the plates' movement.

What is the name of the plate boundary that slides past each other?

A transform plate boundary.

Tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally?

Transform boundary

What events can occur at a transform boundary?

Earthquakes can occur at a transform boundary.