The Malay Archipelago is located between 6° north and 10° south latitude, and 95° to 141° east longitude.
Agadir, a town in Morocco is situated at 30 degrees North latitude and 10 degrees west longitude.
The place where I spent most of my nights when I was in the city, Caracas Residencias Anauco in Parque Central, is located at 10.498° north latitude 66.900° west longitude
10 degrees North 20 degrees West
Para maribo's latitude and longitude is 5 50 north latitude and 55 10 west longitude.
Latitude: 39° 10', North. Longitude: 75° 32', West
North Pacific Ocean.
-- The west end of the main runway (10) at the International Airport Port Au Prince is located at 18.5793° north latitude 72.3066° west longitude. -- The north end of the runway (23) at Cap Haitien Airport is located at 19.7376° north latitude 72.1905° west longitude.
The Malay Archipelago is located between 6° north and 10° south latitude, and 95° to 141° east longitude.
Agadir, a town in Morocco is situated at 30 degrees North latitude and 10 degrees west longitude.
Lago de Maracaibo
Gamlemu, Liberia.
The center of KingsTON is located at roughly17° 58' north latitude76° 47' west longitude
About 42.5 km west (slightly north of west) of Oslo, Norway.