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what is the role of information system in the field of zoology

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6d ago

Information systems in zoology help researchers and conservationists to store and analyze data on species distributions, population trends, and genetic information. This allows for better monitoring of wildlife populations, studying their behavior, and making informed decisions for conservation efforts. Additionally, information systems aid in managing biodiversity databases and sharing knowledge among the scientific community.

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Studying maths is beneficial for a career in zoology as it helps with data analysis, statistics, and understanding complex ecological concepts. While not always a strict requirement, having a strong foundation in mathematics can enhance your research and problem-solving skills in the field of zoology.

What is the rooot word of zoology?

Words are made up of root words. Like the root word of runners is run. So the root word of zoology would be zoo. Zoology means a science or branch of biology that has to do with animals. Hope this helps :)

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The sensory organs belong to the nervous system. They are responsible for detecting and relaying information about the external environment to the brain for processing and interpretation. This information helps organisms respond to stimuli and adapt to their surroundings.

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Biochemistry is a field of science closely related to biology. It focuses on the chemical processes and substances that occur within living organisms. Biochemistry helps explain how biological systems function at a molecular level.

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Functions of the nervous system include collecting information from sensory receptors, processing and interpreting this information, and coordinating an appropriate response. It also regulates bodily functions, controls movement, and allows for communication between different parts of the body.

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Why it is important to train users of the information system?

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What is the rooot word of zoology?

Words are made up of root words. Like the root word of runners is run. So the root word of zoology would be zoo. Zoology means a science or branch of biology that has to do with animals. Hope this helps :)

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