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Secretion takes place in the renal tubules of the kidney. Specifically, it occurs in the proximal convoluted tubule, distal convoluted tubule, and collecting ducts. These structures are responsible for selectively moving substances like drugs, ions, and waste products from the blood into the urine for excretion.

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Q: Where in the kidney does secretion takes place?
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The urea and water that make up urine are removed from the blood in the kidneys through the process of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion. Specifically, this takes place in the structures of the nephrons within the kidneys.

What is an example of secretion?

An example of secretion is the release of digestive enzymes by the pancreas into the small intestine to aid in the digestion of food.

what kidney cells perform a secretary function?

The renal tubular cells in the kidney perform a secretory function by secreting substances such as ions, acids, and organic molecules into the urine for elimination. These cells are responsible for maintaining the body's fluid and electrolyte balance.

In the kidney where does most secretion occur?

Tubular secretion occurs in the distal convoluted tubes. The secretion also happens in the collecting ducts and also in the proximal convoluted tubule.