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in the mitochondria

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Q: Where in the cell does most of areobic respiration occur?
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What organell does cellular respiration occur?

Cellular respiration occurs most often in the mitochondria of the cell.

Where does the most reactions of aerobic cellular respiration occur?

The majority of reactions of aerobic cellular respiration occur in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. These reactions involve the breakdown of glucose to produce ATP, which is the cell's main energy source.

What is the name of the organelle that is the power plant of the cell in which most of the reactions of cellular respiration occur?

These organelles are called mitochronrion.

Process occur in the mitochondria?

The mitochondria is the "powerhouse of the cell" as it generates most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through the process of cellular respiration.

What does a cell need for cell respiration to occur?

For cell respiration to occur, a cell needs oxygen and glucose. Oxygen is required as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, while glucose serves as the energy source that is broken down to produce ATP through glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

Where in the cells does cellular respiration takes place?

it takes place in the mitochondria.

What cellular process makes most of the cell's ATP?

The process of cellular respiration, specifically oxidative phosphorylation, generates the majority of the cell's ATP. This process occurs in the mitochondria and involves the electron transport chain to produce ATP from the energy stored in glucose.

Which organelle is responsible for performing cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is carried out by plants to break down glucose for energy. The equation for respiration is C6H12O6 ---> 6CO2 + 6H2O. Respiration takes place in the mitochondria organelle.

What is the sixth grade definition of mitochondria?

Mitochondria are known as the powerhouse of the cell. They are responsible for producing energy in the form of ATP through a process called cellular respiration. Mitochondria have their own DNA and are essential for the survival of the cell.

What is the most common energy source in cell respiration?

Glucose is the most common energy source in cellular respiration.

Where does cellular respiration occur in a cell?

Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria of a cell, specifically in the inner membrane where the electron transport chain is located. This process converts glucose and oxygen into ATP, the main energy currency of the cell, through a series of enzymatic reactions.

Where in the cell does respiration take place?

Most of cellular respiration occurs within the mitochondria of the cell. Glycolysis occurs outside of the mitochondria, while the Krebs Cycle and ETC takes place inside the mitochondria.