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Q: Where in the breathing system these changes in the gas content of air happen?
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What would happen if you didn't use the respiratory system?

You would die because your not breathing

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you'd have trouble or stop breathing....and possibly die

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Where in our breathing system does the changes of oxygen and carbon dioxide dioxide happen?

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs in the alveoli of the lungs. Oxygen is taken up from the air into the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide is released from the bloodstream into the air in the alveoli during respiration.

Is the brain a nervous system or breathing system?

The brain is part of the nervous system and not the breathing (respiratory)system.

What is difference between static and content management system?

A static website is one where the content remains fixed and does not change unless the code is manually updated. A content management system (CMS) allows for dynamic content updates through an admin interface, enabling users to easily add, edit, and manage website content without requiring technical knowledge. In essence, a CMS provides a way to manage website content more efficiently compared to a static website.

What is the name for respiratory system?

The respiratory system is the system that handles breathing.

How does the respiratory system regulates breathing for runners?

The respiratory system encompasses breathing.

What changes that happen during puberty are important?

The most important change is the reproductive system becoming fertile. Also there are many emotional changes .

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What is the role of the breathing passages in the immunes system

The respiratory system depends on the nervous system to do what?

The nervous system controls the rate and depth of breathing, allowing the respiratory system to adjust to changing conditions like exercise or stress. The nervous system also helps regulate the muscles involved in breathing, such as the diaphragm and intercostal muscles.

What part of the body is a breathing system?

The respiratory system is the part of the body responsible for breathing. It includes the lungs, airways, and muscles involved in breathing such as the diaphragm. This system is crucial for exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide between the body and the environment.