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Negative charge accumulates on the bottom of a cumulonimbus cloud and becomes attracted to the positive charge of the ground. When it overcomes air resistance, the charges shoot down. The lightning that you see is when the positive charge shoots back up into the cloud.

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Q: Where in the atmosphere does lightning occur?
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Thunderlightingwindand rain occur in which which of earth ospheres?

Thunder, lightning, wind, and rain occur in the Earth's atmosphere.

In what layer of the atmosphere do thunderstorms and lightning occur?

Thunderstorms and lightning typically occur in the troposphere, the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere where most weather phenomena take place. Thunderstorms are driven by the rapid vertical movement of air and moisture within the troposphere, leading to the formation of cumulonimbus clouds and the occurrence of lightning.

How is friction involved with lightning?

Friction is not directly involved in the formation of lightning. Lightning is caused by the buildup and discharge of electrical energy in the atmosphere, typically between charged regions in clouds or between a cloud and the ground. Friction can sometimes contribute to the separation of charges in the atmosphere, leading to the conditions necessary for lightning to occur.

Where do lightning bolts occur?

lightning bolts occur in the clouds.

What causes lightning in a snow storm?

Lightning can occur in snowstorms when there are strong updrafts and downdrafts present, along with the presence of charged particles in the atmosphere. These conditions can result in the separation of electric charges, leading to the discharge of lightning.

How are tornadoes and lightning related?

Tornadoes and lightning are often associated with severe thunderstorms. Lightning can occur before, during, or after a tornado is formed. Tornadoes can form within severe thunderstorms where there is intense updraft and rotation in the atmosphere, which can be fueled by lightning activity.

Why does lightning occur only when it's raining?

Lightning occurs when there is a buildup of electrical charge in the atmosphere, typically during a thunderstorm. The rain and water molecules in the air help to facilitate the movement of electrical charges, making lightning more likely to occur during rainy conditions.

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Does lightning occur in the same or different place?

Lightning does occur in different places, but many more times then 2!

Why would you have to watch out if the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder seemed to occur together?

If thunder and lightning occur together close to you, you are dangerously close to a lightning bolt.

Why would you have to watch out if the flash of lightning and the sound of thunder seem occur together?

If thunder and lightning occur together close to you, you are dangerously close to a lightning bolt.

Why do lighting and thunder occur during a thunderstorm?

During a thunderstorm, lightning is caused by the buildup and discharge of static electricity in the atmosphere. Thunder occurs when the air surrounding the lightning bolt rapidly expands and contracts, creating a shock wave. The heat from the lightning bolt causes the air to expand and contract, resulting in the sound wave we hear as thunder.