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Plant cells store waste in a main lysosome. Animal cells store waste in multiple vacuoles.

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3w ago

Food is stored in the form of starch in the plant cell's vacuole, while water is stored in the central vacuole to maintain turgor pressure. Waste products can be stored in vacuoles or transported out of the cell through vesicles for excretion.

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13y ago

Plants don't store waste, they release it as carbon-dioxide into the air.

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12y ago

Plant cells have large membrane-bound spaces in which water, waste products are stored. These places are known as the vacuoles.

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12y ago

in the large central vacuole

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Q: Where in a plant cell is food water and waste stored?
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What stores water and waste inside of a cell?

Vacuoles store water and waste inside a cell. They help maintain the cell's shape and structure, store nutrients, and play a role in waste removal.

In what plant cell structure is water stored?

Water is stored in the central vacuole of plant cells. This vacuole helps maintain turgor pressure and stores nutrients, ions, and waste products in addition to water.

In a cell where is food water and waste stored?


Water food and waste products are stored in the cell's?

Water, food, and waste products are stored in various cellular compartments such as vacuoles, lysosomes, and peroxisomes. Vacuoles primarily store water and nutrients, lysosomes store enzymes for breaking down waste, and peroxisomes store byproducts of metabolism. These compartments help maintain cellular function and prevent buildup of toxins.

What stores waste and water in a plant cell?

The leaves.

Where are food water and wastes stored in the cell?

They are stored in the vacuoles of the cell. They can be found in both plant and animal cells.

What does the waste vacuole of a animal cell do?

The waste vacuole in an animal cell functions to store and transport waste materials for excretion. It helps maintain cellular cleanliness by removing unwanted substances from the cell. Once filled with waste, the vacuole can merge with the cell membrane to expel its contents outside the cell.

What is the sixth grade definition of vacuoles?

vacuoles- part of a plant or animal cell where food and waste are stored.

What stores water in a plant cell?

The central vacuole stores water in a plant cell. It helps maintain turgor pressure which provides structural support to the cell and allows the plant to stand upright.

In which organelle would water and dissolved minerals be stored?

Water and dissolved minerals would be stored in the central vacuole in plant cells. This large organelle helps maintain turgor pressure in the cell, stores nutrients and waste products, and can also act as a temporary storage for water and minerals.

What is the function of the central vacuole in a plant cell?

stores the waste products of the cell, along with water

What is the function of the Vacuole in the plant cell?

The Vacuole of a plant cell storage water for the cell the use when the cell needs itIt helps "digest" all of the waste that the plant "eats".expel waste products, just like the vacuole in other cells It stores water and wastes. It the largest part in plant cells. It makes lipids