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Q: Where flash produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity?
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What is flash produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity?

Flash produced by a discharge of atmospheric electricity is known as lightning. Lightning occurs when a build-up of electrical charge in the atmosphere is released, resulting in a visible flash of light and a loud thunderous sound. Lightning can be dangerous and cause damage to structures and harm to living organisms.

Lightning is a bright flash of electricity produced by?

Lightning is a bright flash of electricity produced by the discharge of static electricity in the atmosphere, typically in thunderstorms. It occurs when positive and negative charges separate in a cloud, creating an electric field strong enough to overcome the insulating properties of the air. The rapid movement of these charges results in a sudden release of energy in the form of a lightning bolt.

What is the literal meaning of lightning?

A discharge of atmospheric electricity, accompanied by a vivid flash of light, commonly from one cloud to another, sometimes from a cloud to the earth. The sound produced by the electricity in passing rapidly through the atmosphere constitutes thunder., The act of making bright, or the state of being made bright; enlightenment; brightening, as of the mental powers., Lightening.

What is the meaning of sparks?

# A flash of light, especially a flash produced by electric discharge. # A short pulse or flow of electric current.

What kind of energy produces lighting bolts?

Lightning bolts are produced by the discharge of static electricity built up in thunderclouds. This discharge creates a flow of electricity between the negatively charged base of the cloud and the positively charged ground, resulting in the bright flash of lightning we see.

What is the literal meaning of the word lightning?

The literal meaning of the word "lightning" refers to the visible flash of light produced by electrical discharge during a thunderstorm.

Is lightning a very large discharge of static electricity?

Yes, lightning is a massive discharge of static electricity in the atmosphere. It occurs when the electrical charge imbalances between the clouds and the ground are equalized through a sudden flow of current, resulting in a visible flash of light and heat.

What is one example in nature of light produced by an electric charge?

One example in nature of light produced by an electric charge is lightning. Lightning is a natural discharge of electricity that occurs during a thunderstorm, resulting in a bright flash of light as the electrical charge moves through the atmosphere, ionizing air molecules and producing visible light.

Electricity released which has built up in thunder clouds by evening?

The release of electricity built up in a thundercloud during the evening is known as lightning. Lightning occurs when the electrical charge difference between the cloud and the ground becomes too great, resulting in a sudden discharge of energy in the form of a visible flash.

What part of speech is lightening?

The word lightning is a noun. It is a flash of light in the sky produced by electricity within a cloud.

What is the visible discharge of electricity called?

ligtning po.. its true..

What natural phenomenon is a result of static electricity in the air?

Lightning is a natural phenomenon that is a result of static electricity in the air. The buildup of static charge within clouds causes a discharge of electricity in the form of a lightning bolt, resulting in a visible flash of light and sound.