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Q: Where does water exit leaves from?
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What exits the plant through the leaves?

Oxygen and some water vapor exit the leaves through the stoma of the leaves.

Whtere does it exit the plant?

Water vapour exits the plant via the leaves

Where does excess water escape through the stomata as?

Excess water escapes through the stomata as vapor during the process of transpiration. Stomata are tiny pores on the surface of leaves that allow water vapor to exit the plant and contribute to the movement of water and minerals from the roots to the leaves.

What enters through stomata in leaves?

Carbon dioxide enters through stomata in leaves, which is needed for photosynthesis. Oxygen and water vapor also exit through the stomata as byproducts of the photosynthesis process.

How does Marley exit scrooge's bedroom?

He leaves through a window

What structures are involve in transpiration?

The structures involved in transpiration are the stomata, which are tiny pores on the surface of leaves that allow water vapor to exit, and the xylem vessels, which transport water from the roots to the leaves. Additionally, the mesophyll cells in the leaf play a role in gas exchange during transpiration.

What is it called when everyone leaves the stage?

When everyone leaves the stage, it is called an "exit" or a "scene change."

What are examples of facilitated diffuse?

Entry of CO2 in the leaves during photosynthesis and its exit during night. Absorption of water by root hairs is another example of facilitated diffusion.

What is the exiting of water through stomata of leaves?

The exiting of water through stomata of leaves is known as transpiration. Stomata are small pores on the surface of leaves that allow the exchange of gases. During transpiration, water evaporates from the leaf surface, creating a gradient that causes water to move from the roots, through the plant, and ultimately exit through the stomata. This process plays a crucial role in the movement of water and nutrients throughout the plant.

What are stomata in leaves?

it is wher the oxygen and carbon dioxide both enters and exit.:)

Whats the meaning of leaves?

leaves had 2 meanings. 1) the plural of leaf (as lin the leaves that grow on trees) 2) to exit or go away in the present tense.

Can leaves not lose water?

No, leaves can lose water.