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A combination of the strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force. The strong nuclear force provides the initial energy to split one large nucleus into two small ones, but once the smaller nuclei have separated by a short distance because both are positively charged the electromagnetic force repels them and rapidly accelerates them to very high velocity (i.e. high kinetic energy aka high temperature).

The end products (fission fragment nuclei and neutrons) have a slightly smaller mass than the mass of the original nucleus. If you plug the amount of lost mass into the equation E = M c**2, the result calculated will be exactly equal to the kinetic energy gained by the end products. So the energy came from a small part of the original mass.

So wording it another way, the energy release is driven by the strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force, but the energy itself was released by the conversion of matter to energy.

BTW, the energy released in chemical reactions also come from matter to energy conversion, but as the energy is much smaller the lost mass is also much smaller (and usually undetectable).

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Q: Where does the released nuclear energy come from during fission?
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Must of the energy released by nuclear fission is in the from of what rays?

The energy released by nuclear fission is primarily in the form of gamma rays, which are high-energy electromagnetic radiation. These gamma rays are emitted as a result of the conversion of mass into energy during the fission process.

How does nuclear fission generates energy?

The heat released by nuclear fission is transformed in electrical energy.

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The energy released is nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy is released during what?

Nuclear energy is released during nuclear reactions, such as nuclear fission in power plants or nuclear fusion in the sun. This energy is harnessed to generate electricity or create powerful explosions in nuclear weapons.

What happens to the loss mass during fission?

It becomes energy, hence the energy released in nuclear bombs.

What type of energy is released by a nuclear reaction?

Nuclear reactions release nuclear energy, which is the energy that holds the nucleus of an atom together. This energy is released in the form of heat and radiation during processes such as fission or fusion.

Give definition for nuclear energy?

The energy released by either nuclear fission or nuclear fusion.

What is nuclear enegry?

Nuclear energy is the energy released during nuclear reactions either by fusion or fission of atomic nuclei. In nuclear fission, atoms are split releasing a large amount of energy, while in nuclear fusion, atoms are combined to release energy. This energy can be harnessed to generate electricity in nuclear power plants.

Is most of the energy released by nuclear fission is in the form of gamma rays?

No, most of the energy released by nuclear fission is in the form of kinetic energy of the fission products and neutrons. Gamma rays are also emitted during the process, but they typically make up a smaller proportion of the total energy released.

A nuclear reaction in which an atoms nucleus is split into two smaller nuclei and energy is released as heat is known as?

nuclear fission