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The process wherein messenger RNQ (or mRNA) is given a message is called transcription. In this process, n mRNA molecule is made (or transcribed) using DNA as the template. Essentially, the nucleotide sequence on a gene is read by an enzyme called RNA polymerase which synthesizes the mRNA molecule. Put simply, RNA polymerase scans the length of DNA until a gene is encountered. When the enzyme reaches the correct position, it begins adding complimentary nucleotides to make the mRNA molecule. This way, the entire gene is transcribed and copied on to the mRNA molecule.

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Q: Where does the messenger RNA have to travel to after transcription?
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Which RNA results from transcription?

Messenger RNA (mRNA) is the type of RNA that is produced during transcription. It carries genetic information from the DNA in the nucleus to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm, where it serves as a template for protein synthesis.

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The process of making messenger RNA (mRNA) in protein synthesis is called transcription. During transcription, the DNA sequence is copied into mRNA by the enzyme RNA polymerase.

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The end product of transcription is messenger RNA (mRNA), which carries the genetic information from DNA to the ribosomes for protein synthesis.

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To what part of the cell do the products of transcription travel?

The products of transcription, which are messenger RNA molecules, travel from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of the cell. There, they can be translated into proteins by ribosomes.

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Transcription results in the synthesis of a complementary RNA molecule from a DNA template. Translation involves the conversion of this RNA molecule into a specific sequence of amino acids, forming a protein. The end result of translation is the production of a functional protein that can perform specific cellular functions.

What is the process called when DNA is copied into messenger RNA?

The process is called transcription. In transcription, RNA polymerase enzyme binds to a specific region on the DNA molecule and synthesizes a complementary mRNA strand by matching RNA nucleotides to the DNA template.

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During the process of transcription, messenger RNA (mRNA) represents a copy of the genetic information found in DNA. It serves as a template for protein synthesis during translation in the cytoplasm.

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Messenger RNA is created in the process of transcription.