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The central dogma of molecular Biology, which describes the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein, takes place primarily within the cell nucleus and cytoplasm. Transcription, where DNA is converted into RNA, occurs in the nucleus, while translation, where RNA is used to synthesize proteins, takes place in the cytoplasm at the ribosomes.

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Q: Where does the central dogma take place?
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Is both DNA and RNA involved in the central dogma of biology?

Yes. The central dogma of biology postulates: DNA < > RNA > Proteins

What does the central dogma help us to explain?

A central dogma is an explanation of the flow of the genetic information in a cell, including the replication of DNA.

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Central dogma of biology is life. This is one of many examples for sentence use.

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What is central dogma in a short brief simply?

The central dogma of molecular biology is the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein. This process involves transcription, where DNA is copied into RNA, and translation, where RNA is used to synthesize proteins. The central dogma is a fundamental principle that explains how genetic information is stored, transmitted, and used in living organisms.

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Why central dogma called central dogma?

The term "central dogma" was coined by biologist Francis Crick to describe the flow of genetic information within a biological system, from DNA to RNA to protein. It is considered central because it outlines the fundamental processes by which genetic information is stored, transmitted, and expressed in living organisms.

Is there any online quiz for central dogma of molecular biology?

Yes, there are several online quizzes available for the central dogma of molecular biology. Websites like Quizlet,, and Khan Academy offer quizzes and practice questions to help reinforce understanding of this fundamental concept in genetics.

The two main types of flow of the genetic information are?

1.central dogma/unidirectional flow of information DNA to rna to proteins 2.central dogma reverse rna to DNA to rna to proteins hiv

What is an exception to the central dogma of molecular biology?

One exception to the central dogma is the process of reverse transcription, where RNA is converted back into DNA by the enzyme reverse transcriptase. This is seen in retroviruses like HIV, allowing them to integrate their genetic material into the host cell's genome.